Life on The Moon

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Kecak Dance

Kecak (pronounced: /'ke.tʃak/, roughly "KEH-chahk", alternate spellings: Ketjak and Ketjack), a form of Balinese music drama, originated in the 1930s and is performed primarily by men. Also known as the Ramayana Monkey Chant, the piece, performed by a circle of 100 or more performers wearing checked cloth around their waists, percussively chanting "cak" and throwing up their arms, depicts a battle from the Ramayana where the monkey-like Vanara helped Prince Rama fight the evil King Ravana.

However, Kecak has roots in sanghyang, a trance-inducing exorcism dance.[1]Kecak was originally a trance ritual accompanied by male chorus. German painter and musician Walter Spies became deeply interested in the ritual while living in Bali in the 1930s and worked to recreate it into a drama, based on the Hindu Ramayana and including dance, intended to be presented to Western tourist audiences. This transformation is an example of what James Clifford describes as part of the "modern art-culture system"[2] in which, "the West or the central power adopts, transforms, and consumes non-Western or peripheral cultural elements, while making 'art' which was once embedded in the culture as a while, into a separate entity."[3] Spies worked with Wayan Limbak and Limbak popularized the dance by traveling throughout the world with Balinese performance groups. These travels have helped to make the Kecak famous throughout the world.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Show Biz!

Level: Form 4

Time: 30 Minutes

Aims: To find specific information on the Website; to discuss the findings verbally in class.

Technical Requirements:
One computer per group of 2 -3 students with an Internet access and a web browser.


  1. Locate sites related to entertainment industry
  2. prepare worksheet based on the website
  1. Talk to students about the recent entertainment news that they know (local as well as international)
  2. Ask the students where do they get information about entertainment.
  3. Each students will receive the worksheet. Each students will have to answer the questions based on the website that they will visit.
  4. Instruct students to go to the selected website.
  5. Students will be given 10 minutes to browse through the website and to answer the questions in the worksheet.
  6. Students will be given 5 minutes to look at the the section that they like.
  7. Students will have to present they news that's available at the section that they selected.

  1. Students will have to write a short report on the section that they had chosen earlier.

Monday, February 9, 2009

task 2 - website evaluation

The website that i chose was;


What does the application attempt to teach?

The application attempted to teach English, this website provides the whole aspects of English which includes grammar, vocabulary reading and writing as well as listening and speaking.

What sort of things is the application user is expected to do with regards to the learning content?

The learners are expected to learn the language by exploring it. Foe example, the website provides links to several other websites that will help the learners to learn the language.

What sort of computer skills does the users expected to have in order to operate/access/use the application?

The users need to have very basic computer knowledge such as typing, clicking the mouse, and drag and drop. This is because I believe that by it would be easier for the children to access the site and it will not demotivate them to go on exploring the website.

While u r playing; accessing; assessing; the application, does it remind u of anything that you do in the class room, or with a teacher, or with a fellow classmate, or in a self study.

While exploring the website, there are several things that reminded me of the time when I was in school. Such as reading newspaper and magazines and playing games.

Can u pin point some theories of language learning and/or teaching underlying the application

One theory that i managed to point put was, The silent way. The silent way theory promotes autonomous learning that leads the students to become and independent learner. The website is not too rigid in expecting the students provide the answer or complete the exercise. I noticed that, none of the exercise had any time limit.

How well is the constructivist’s theory of learning applied to the children website?

The constructivist’s theory stated that children learn from their experiences and that they could relate from their experience. In other words, children incorporate the knowledge that they had learnt with their previous knowledge. For this website, they provided links to the previous lesson, this will help the students to relate what they have learnt previously with the now topic / lesson that they learn. For example, in the website, they provided several links to magazines and newspapers. By providing this, the learners will feel more natural in learning the language. This is because they are reading something that they read daily e.i newspaper and magazines, hence this will help them to assimilate and associate what they have learnt with what they are learning.

In the 1980 n early 90’s there was a major debate on “whether the computer is the master or slave to the learning process". In relation to your evaluation- was the computer a replacement or merely an obedient servant student?

From the evaluation, i see that the computer is merely an obedient servant for the students because it helps the students to learn the language better and not instructing the learners on what to do and what not to do. The computer helps the students to become a better learner. The learner is his/her own master in the learning process.

Would you like to use the application in future? Why?

Yes, i would like to use the application in the future. This is because the website provides a lot of link to other websites. This allows the learners to learn beyond what they learn in the website itself. This is good because it helps the learners to develop their thinking and make them a critical thinker.

Suggestion and recommendation.

I would suggest that the website should include more pictures and animation to attract learners. I noticed that the website is rather plain although the content is well covered, it only lacks of visual stimulation.






Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Exercise Using MS Word

well basically that's what we did today...
apart from learning what CALL is all about we also leant that we can actaully use simple office application to excite our students in language learning. (YAY!) i mean worst come to worst we can use MS word...

but it would be better to use software that caters to CALL... i mean it would more interesting using softwares that actually caters to CALL rather than the generic ones... (see i was paying attention in class heheheeh)

so bascially there are softwates out there that could actually help educators to make language learning more interesting and appealing...

i just wish that more teachers would actually use this so that the students will be more interested in learning the language

wishful thinking *sighs*

singing out...

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Quick Introduction about a Star on The Moon

The name is Mohammed Falliq bin Mohammed Effendy i was born on October 14th 86 in Ipoh Perak (which makes me a libra). i now live in Mentari Court Sunway with my mother.i love to eat and i love to talk talking. I love the finest things in life (finest things does not necessary comes witha hefty price right?) I have a surreal dream to be a star but i believe that i can and i will be able to be one. and also, i have this obsession about moon, especially crescent and full moon (especially with oracle around it - hence the name) :D

so... enough about me and let's get to business shall we?

So what do I know about computer eh?

Well i basically know how to use the MS application except yup... except excel. i hate it sooo much because it is related to math. As for power point and Word it's safe to say that i can wiggle my wat through it. i have some knowledge with sound editing (more like sound cutting) software because i love to create ringtones for myself. i do know how to use basic video editing software too. i also know how to use Adobe photoshop.
basically all these i learnt on my own or through friends. i do not attend any specific classes for it. although it's kind of tempting, but some of the courses can cost an arm and a leg and i can't afford to lose any of them :-S

Apart from that i just learnt how to use In Design in Mac. A drag at first but it was okay. Along with it i leanr how to use another application from Mac. So basically those are the software that i actually know how to use(and still learning).

i am looking forward to learn more on how to use flash, and make simple animtaions.

AS for hardware... erm... i know little about whatever that is INSIDE the computer. But, i do know how to use the printer, webcams, which wire goes to which sockets. those kind of things i know but i do not really know the component inside the PC itself. But if you would put a pice of CPU and Monitor un attached, i would know how to attach it and make sure it works perfectly fine.

Usually, when i go online, i would be checking my fan/hate mail from people around the word on my Myspace, friendster as well as Facebook (although i feel that facebook can be rather complicated). other than that, i watch viedos online via u tube and also i download songs (i know it's illegal but it's sooooo tempting). i rarely upload anything on the web apart from my pics.
oh, also apart from that i also look for jobs at
yeah so basically that's what i do when i go online. nothing much but that's what i do.

so enough with me rambling abt me and the thing call personal computer.
yeah that's all that i know and i hope to learn more through out the semester...


and have a happy new year

A Star on the Moon